Traffic and criminal defense in the Roanoke Valley and beyond.

Passion. Experience. Results.

When you or someone you love is facing criminal or traffic charges, please contact me. I will listen to your concerns with respect, walk you through what is likely to happen, and explain your legal options.

I am a former state prosecutor with law enforcement contacts. I have represented Virginia residents, college students, out-of-state drivers, tractor trailer and professional drivers, juveniles, and everyone in between.

The initial consultation is free and confidential. I will personally speak with you about your case.

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Hablo español. Si usted o un ser querido ha sido arrestado o le han dado una multa de tránsito por conducir sin permiso, conducción temeraria, o manejar borracho, no deje de llamar a abogado Kevin Gick. Él estudiaba y vivía en España y habla español.

La consulta es gratis y abogado Kevin Gick sí mismo le llamará a usted. No importa de donde es usted o su estatus legal.